Get Rhythm Weekend with Markus & Tren in Ottawa
Our West Coast Swing Weekend with Champions, Markus Smith & Trendlyon Veal, starts this Friday night with a warm-up dance!

June Group Classes & Special Nights
Here's the schedule and special evenings for Tuesday-night group classes & socials in June, 2019...

May Group Classes & Weekly Social
Join us at Amigo’s Sports Bar for weekly West Coast Swing lessons and DJ’ed social dancing. Take note of schedule for May 2019 ...

Moving Up with Smoothstyle
Info about when and how to "move up" in Smoothstyle's group classes.

NEW Group Lesson Format Starts April 2, 2019
We're refreshing our Tuesday-night event, Ottawa's Weekly West Coast Swing Event, with a new format that starts in April, 2019.

March: Level 2A, 1C, and Green Theme Night
Join us at Amigo’s Sports Bar for a lesson and DJ’ed social dancing.

February: Intermediate Styling, Level 1B, and Love & Passion!
Tuesday-night group classes in February include Intermediate Styling, and Level 1B.

January: Newbie Night, Level 1A, Level 2C, and Winter Wonderland!
Partner dance to popular music - every Tuesday evening! Join us at Amigo's Sports Bar for a lesson and DJ'ed social dancing. Our next Beginner Cycle starts January 8.

December is Food Bank Month
By attending Ottawa's Weekly West Coast Swing Event in December, you contribute to the Ottawa Food Bank. December is our annual charity month, and all profits go to the food bank.

Pop-Up Shops in November: Get Dance-Holiday Ready!
In November, we're hosting two pop-up shops during Ottawa's Weekly West Coast Swing Event. These vendors will be onsite during the event to help you get the dance stuff you want or need before the holidays...

November: Level 2A, 1C, MOvember, and Pop-Up Shops!
In November, we're supporting all the dudes who participate in the MOvember campaign (raising awareness of men's health issues), with Mustache Theme Night!